The ideal range that one's blood sugar should be at is between 70-180.
What actually is a low blood sugar? The scientific term is Hypoglycemia. This occurs when there isn't enough glucose (sugar) in the blood.
When by blood sugar is below 70, I start to feel the effects. I begin to get shaky. I feel really hot. I start to talk funny. I can't focus. My whole body gets weak. I feel as if I could pass out at any moment. Anything and everything that is going on makes me overwhelmed. (I can get irritated really easily) :)
To fix my low blood sugar I need to do what is called the "Rule of 15". I eat/drink something that has 15 fast-acting carbs in it then wait 15 minutes for my blood sugar to come up. During this time, I have to sit down somewhere. If my blood sugar is back within range after the 15 minutes, I eat something with 15 long-acting carbs. If it still hasn't come up, I have to eat/drink something else and repeat the process. If it still hasn't come up, I need to either use my emergency pen or nasal spray then go to the ER.
If I walk around or get up it can sometimes make my blood sugar go lower or keep it low, so it is best to sit down. I also feel like I could pass out any moment, so it helps sitting lol.
Most of the time I drink an apple juice then eat 4 Ritz peanut butter crackers, but you can use anything with 15 carbs.
When dealing with a low blood sugar it is very serious, just like a high blood sugar. If not treated as soon as possible, I could pass out and need to go to the hospital.